The society was formed back in 1996 previously called “Scaleys” Golf Society set up by Barry Ramsey and consisted of 5 golfers, Barry, Ronnie Wright, Mick Jones, Roy Cullis and Les Wingrave, it became affiliated with the railway club in 2000 and changed to “Wickford Railway Club Golf Society”, they all shared the same passion for playing golf and sharing a few drinks to discuss where they had played that week and is situated on platform 3 of Wickford station. The popularity soon grew with other friends and members wanting to join, this is the birth of what has now become a very social but serious for some enjoyable golf society.
It is a requirement that all golfers in the society have to become members of the club to participate. The society grew in popularity with people who had never even picked up a club wanting to join and share the social and competitive side to the game of golf.
The courses played are mainly in the Essex area but travel as far as Kent and Suffolk to test their wit against some of those most challenging courses, also in the past they have travelled to sunnier climates to test there skills on some of Europes finest courses.
Captain – Fred Slater
Treasurer – Clive Bryson
Secretary – Simon Gazzard